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Extraordinary Lives Start With a Great Catholic Education





 Catalog-Item Reuse ‭[1]‬


​ċLink to: 2024-2025 School Year Calendar

Virtue of the Month of March: Kindness
Kindness…is the act of loving and giving generously to others as God does. Our empathy for others is transformed into action, an action that extends beyond concern for ourselves.

National Social Work Month
Irish Heritage Month
Persian Heritage Month
Hellenic Heritage Month

March 10-14 - Mid-Winter Break (Schools Closed)

March 13 & 14 - March Break Sugarbush Family Event
91̽ families are invited to visit our sugarbush and learn from the many Indigenous cultural teachers who will be here to share their knowledge. Time: 11 am – 2:30 pm Location: Silver Creek Outdoor Education Centre, 13500 Fallbrook Trail, Georgetown. More Information.

March 17 – St. Patrick (Memorial)

March 19 – SOLEMNITY of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Principal Patron of Canada and declared Patron of the Universal Church in 1870
“But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 1:20)

March 19 - Brampton West Chess Tournament
Guardian Angels Catholic Elementary School will be hosting the Brampton West Chess Tournament on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. Schools that are interested in entering the tournament, please email the name of the school and divisions entering to Jiries.nimer@dpcdsb.org by March 5, 2025. Each school can register 3 teams (1 per division). Each team will consist of 6 players (5 players with 1 alternate for a total of 6 players).  The tournament will begin at 9:00 am and end by 2:15 pm.  Please arrive by 8:30 am-8:50 am. Students are required to bring their own lunch and water bottle. Location: Guardian Angels C.E.S., 62 Heatherdale Dr., Brampton.

March 20 - Brampton North / Caledon / Dufferin Chess Tournament
St. Cecilia C.E.S. will host the BNCD chess tournament on Thursday, March 20. Please arrive by 8:45 am. Start time is 9:15 am and will end around 2:00 pm. Students are required to bring their own lunch. Location: 10 Brickyard Way, Brampton. Email john.covello@dpcdsb.org for information.

March 21 - Brampton South / Malton Chess Tournament
St. Cecilia C.E.S. will host the BSM chess Tournament on Friday March 21. Please arrive by 8:45 am. Start time is 9:15 am and will end around 2:00 pm.  Students are required to bring their own lunch. Location: 10 Brickyard Way, Brampton. Email louis.bellizzi@dpcdsb.org for information.

March 21 – World Down Syndrome Day

March 21 - International Day for the Elimination of Discrimination

March 25 – 91̽ Board Meeting

rch 26 - Parent Reaching Out Event: Community Supports and Services Information Session
The 91̽ School Board Special Education Advisory Committee invites all families of students with a developmental disability, autism, or physical/medical diagnosis to attend the Parent Reaching Out event: Community Supports and Services Information Session. This event will be an evening virtual presentation from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Presenters from the Special Education and Learning Services Department, the Child Development Resource Connection Peel (CDRCP) and Info Peel will share information about community supports and services, service coordination, funding options and respite care. Please refer to the Information Session Flyer for registration and information.

March 26 and April 1 - EQAO LIVE webinar series for parents and guardians
EQAO staff will discuss math questions that Ontario students encounter when they participate in Ontario's large-scale assessments in Grades 3, 6 and 9. During the webinar, EQAO staff will show how these math questions help assess the skills students are learning in their math classes. EQAO staff will also share valuable insights from the past three years of assessment results, which can help parents and guardians support their children's math learning. Webinar Registration Links: Wednesday, March 26, 2025 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. / NEW! - Tuesday, April 1, 2025 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. *Note that this is an EQAO event, not a 91̽ event.

March 27 - 91̽ Elementary Skills Competition
This year’s annual Elementary Skills Competition event will be held at St. Raymond Catholic Elementary School. Successful elementary student competitors will move forward to represent 91̽ at the provincial event on May 5 at the Toronto Congress Centre.

March 29 - Toronto Catholic Teachers Guild Lenten Retreat
Event Flyer

April Virtue of the Month: Love 
Love is not just an emotion it is also a decision. Love involves a deliberate choice to give and to serve others even though the service may go unnoticed and unappreciated.

Sikh Heritage Month (National)
Parkinson Awareness Month (National)
World Autism Month (National)

April 1 - EQAO LIVE webinar series for parents and guardians
Join us for a free live webinar where EQAO staff will discuss math questions that Ontario students encounter when they participate in Ontario’s large-scale assessments. These assessments are taken by all Ontario students in Grades 3, 6 and 9. During the webinar, EQAO staff will show how these math questions help assess the skills students are learning in their math classes. Staff will also share valuable insights from the past three years of assessment results, which can help parents and guardians support their children’s math learning. To register for the session please click here.

April 2 - International Children's Book Day

April 2 - World Autism Day
There are so many fun ways to Celebrate The Spectrum on World Autism Day across Ontario! Find out how to get involved leading up to April 2, 2025, and throughout the month of April.

April 5 – St. Vincent de Paul C.E.S. – Spring Has Sprung Market
Please join St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Elementary School as they host their Third Annual "Spring Has Sprung Market" on Saturday April 5th at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Elementary School at 665 Willowbank Trail, Mississauga from 10 am to 2 pm. Home Décor, Olive Oils, Jewelry, Baked Goods, Personalized bags, Stationery, Greeting Cards, Mirror Decals, Personalized gifts, Environmentally Friendly Products, Spring Wreaths, Silicone Baby products and lanyards, and much, much more. Free entry.  Prizes.  If you require more information, kindly contact Loretta at ext. 60800. 

April 7 – World Health Day  

April 9 - International Day of Pink

April 9 - Mississauga South Chess Tournament

St. David of Wales Catholic Elementary School will be hosting the Mississauga South Chess Tournament on Wednesday, April 9, 2025. Schools that are interested in entering the tournament, please email the name of school and divisions entering to rebecca.burnham@dpcdsb.org or Athena.Colautti@dpcdsb.org. Each school can register three teams (1 per division).  There will be a max of 17 teams for each division, with a waitlist, due to capacity limitations. Each team will consist of six players (5 players with 1 alternate for a total of 6 players).  The tournament will begin at 9:00 am and end by 2:30 pm. Please arrive by 8:30 am-8:50 am. Students are required to bring their own lunch. Location: St. David of Wales C.E.S., 4200 Beacon Lane, Mississauga. Please respond by Thursday, March 6, 2025 to rebecca.burnham@dpcdsb.org or Athena.Colautti@dpcdsb.org.

April 9 & 10 - St. Roch C.S.S. presents 
Beetlejuice Jr.
The Roch Players present Beetlejuice Jr. on Wednesday April 9 and Thursday April 10. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased on school cash online or at the school. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the show starts at 7 pm. Location: St. Roch C.S.S., 200 Valleyway Drive, Brampton. Come on out and enjoy the wonderfully talented cast's performance.

April 18 - Good Friday (Schools Closed)

April 20-27 – Easter Octave

April 20 - Pascha (Eastern Catholic and Orthodox Churches)
Tonight, the Eastern Churches, both Catholic and Orthodox, who follow the Julian (“old”) calendar begin their Easter celebration.

April 21 - Easter Monday (Schools Closed)

April 22 – Earth Day 

April 23 - The Arts in M.E. Family of Schools Event

The Mississauga East Family of Schools is thrilled to announce The Arts in M.E. Family of Schools Event happening this Spring! This year’s event will take place on Wednesday, April 23 at Philip Pocock Catholic Secondary School and will be an inspiring celebration of creativity, friendships, and the arts. This special event will bring together students from the RAISE Programs at Father Michael Goetz, John Cabot, St. Francis Xavier, and Philip Pocock Catholic Secondary Schools, along with the Philip Pocock ASPIRE students, and the IDEA Class at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Elementary School. Together with their peer mentors, the students will share their passion for the arts in a joyful and inclusive community gathering. Mark your calendars and celebrate the power of art and connection! #TheArtsinME2025  For more information, please contact Tanya Veselinovic – Special Education Consultant for the Mississauga East Family of Schools Ext. 24283. 

April 24 - International Girls in ICT Day (International)

April 25 – Feast of St. Mark
The author of the earliest and shortest gospel, Mark was a member of the first Christian community in Jerusalem. 

April 29 - 91̽ Board Meeting  

May Virtue of the Month: Acceptance
Acceptance is the ability to respect the dignity and rights of all persons, even those whose beliefs and behaviours differ from our own. Everyone should strive to love and respect their neighbour, as they love and respect themselves.

May is:
Asian Heritage Month (National)
Community Living Month in Ontario (Provincial)
Canadian Jewish Heritage Month (National)
South Asian Heritage Month (National)
Speech and Hearing Month (National)
National Vision Health Month (National)
Polish Heritage Month (Provincial)

May is the Month of Mary: Mother of God
The Church's tradition in many places dedicates the month of May to the Blessed Virgin Mary. During this time, Catholics try to keep the Mother of God more present in their hearts, with a love shown in affectionate devotion to our Lady. ​

May 1 – Memorial of St. Joseph the Worker - International Workers’ Day
International workers’ Day is celebrated in many countries. This day can be a day to recognize the value of human work, defend the dignity of working people, encourage all to be responsible in their work, and celebrate the role that human work has in God’s plan for creation. Ordo 2023-2024

May 3 – The Feast of St. Philip and St. James
Philip and James were apostles of Jesus. Living with Christ, May 2024

May 4-9 - Catholic Education Week
Catholic Education Week 2025 will be held May 4-9, 2025. The theme is Pilgrims of Hope.  Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to highlight the partnership that remains the foundation of Catholic education between our Catholic schools and local Catholic parishes. For more information about Catholic Education Week and to access OCSTA Resources, visit the OCSTA website.

May 9 - Second Annual Catholic Education Week Quiz Bowl
Each participating school will send a team of five students from grade 6 and up who will work together to compete against other schools in a trivia competition. Questions will be selected randomly from all subject areas of the curriculum, as well as general knowledge and current events. $30 to participate. Unfortunately, we can only accommodate 12 teams. Friday May 9, 2025, at St. Isaac Jogues C.E.S., 300 Great Lakes Dr., Brampton. Email john.covello@dpcdsb.org for more information.

May 12-18 - Mental Health Week

May 13 – Memorial of Our Lady of Fatima
This title was given to the Blessed Virgin Mary after she appeared to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal. Living with Christ, May 2024

May 14 – The Feast of St. Matthias
St. Matthias was chosen after the resurrection to replace Judas.

May 16 - PA Day (Elementary and Secondary)

May 19 - Victoria Day (Schools Closed)

May 24 – World Day of Prayer for the Church in China
In May 2007, Pope Benedict XVI asked that May 24 be observed as a Day of Prayer for the Church in China. He chose this day since it is the traditional Feast of Our Lady of Help of Christians, venerated at the Shrine of Sheshan in Shanghai. Ordo 2023-2024

May 27 - 91̽ Board Meeting​ 

May 29 – Ascension of the Lord
So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. (Mark 16:19)

May 31 – The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
“Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” (Luke 1:42)

June Virtue of the Month: Fairness
Fairness is the ability to be open-minded and act in a just and fair way. Fairness allows us to treat others with mercy and compassion - to feel and act with and for another person.
June is the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

June is:
National Indigenous History Month (Provincial)
Pride Month (National)
Filipino Heritage Month (National)
Italian Heritage Month (National)
Portuguese Heritage Month (National)
Brain Injury Awareness Month (National)
Deafblind Awareness Month (Provincial)
Seniors' Month (Provincial) ​  

June 1 - World Communications Day
Catholics are invited to reflect upon the media of social communication and how these influence our lives. The media can promote values that lead to a more fully human society. The Church’s ministry is twofold, the media can be used to help promote the Gospel. At the same time, as receivers of the materials presented by the media, the faithful have a duty to support and promote worthwhile presentations on media and reject those which promote values contrary to spiritual growth. Ordo 2023-2024

June 8 - Pentecost Sunday
All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages. (Acts 2:4)

June 9 - PA Day (Elementary Schools)

June 9 - Memorial of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
Woman here is your son. Here is your mother. (John 19: 25-27)

June 15 – Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. (Matthew 28: 19-20)

June 17 - 91̽ Board Meeting​ 

June 18, 19, 20, 23, 24 - Secondary School Exams

June 25 - Instructional Day - Examination Review

June 26 & 27 - PA Day (Secondary Schools)

June 27 - Last Day of School 

SAVE THE DATE: August 23 – STOPR First Time Rider School Bus Safety Program
STOPR is pleased to announce the date for our next First Time Rider School Bus Safety program - Saturday August 23, 2025. The First Time Rider School Bus Safety Program is a highly recommended program for any student who is unfamiliar with the rules and procedures of riding a school bus. More details, including program locations and registration instructions, will be provided in the Spring. STOPR encourages all schools, students and parents to keep in touch with us by visiting our website at stopr.ca and following us on @STOPRinfo.




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