> About Us > Planning & OperationsShare : Planning & Operations Page Content​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â€‹ ​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹ Catalog-Item Reuse â€[1]‬ planning-operations ​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â€‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â€‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹The Planning Department is responsible for the acquisition and justification of new pupil places (schools, additions, portables, school sites), planning alternate accommodations (ie: host/holding schools) for students who are moving into areas where no permanent facilities are available, designing the boundaries of school catchment areas and forecasting student population.DESTINATIONS DIRECTORY OF SCHOOLS2024-2025 Destinations Directory2024-2025 School Directory​MOUNT PLEASANT #2 C.E.S.Boundary Meeting Open House Presentation - January 22, 2025Page 6 of the presentation has been modified with an additional map showing a larger scale of the permanent boundary. Additional street names have also been added to both maps to provide greater context to the boundary.Community Open House: Mount Pleasant #2 C.E.S. - January 22, 2025ST. SOFIA CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL​Community Information Bulletin: St. Sofia 2023-24 Accommodation Strategy - February 27, 2023Accommodation Update - November 16, 2022ST. BENEDICT/ST. ANDREW BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTCommunity Bulletin #1 - Boundary Adjustment at St. Benedict and St. Andrew - October 17, 2022Community Open House Presentation - November 1, 2022ST. ANNE REPLACEMENT SCHOOLSt. Anne Notice of Construction and Fencing Removal​ - January 29, 2024​St. Anne Relocation Community Information Bulletin #5 - January 11, 2024St. Anne Relocation Community Information Bulletin #4 - June 30, 2023St. Anne Hosting Announcement - Bulletin #3 - February 2023St. Anne Hosting at St. Ursula and St. Angela Merici - Bulletin #1 - February 2023St. Anne Temporary Relocation Plan - December 7, 2022St. Anne Open House and Information Meeting - December 7, 2022St. Anne New School Announcement - September 20, 2022 LESTER B. PEARSON SCHOOL LAND EXCHANGELand Exchange Bulletin #3 - February 2023Land Exchange Bulletin #2 - October 2022Land Exchange Bulletin #1 - November 2020​ST. LEONARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEMPORARY RELOCATION TO ST. RITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL St. Leonard Temporary Relocation Bulletin - August 2023St. Leonard Temporary Relocation Bulletin - June 2, 2023​St. Leonard Temporary Relocation Bulletin - February 16, 2023 St. Leonard Temporary Relocation Bulletin - September 6, 2022St. Leonard Temporary Relocation Bulletin - May 2, 2022St. Leonard Temporary Relocation Bulletin - December 17, 2021St. Leonard Temporary Relocation Bulletin - September 3, 2021St. Leonard Temporary Relocation Bulletin - June 18, 2021Community Information Bulletin: St. Leonard Temporary Relocation & Restoration Update - February 19, 2021 Community Information Bulletin: St. Leonard Temporary RelocationCommunity Information Bulletin: St. Rita Temporary Host Location for St. LeonardFAQs for St. Leonard and St. Rita Communities SCHOOL VENTILATION2023-2024 Standardized Ventilation Measure Reports​ (Excel Spreadsheet)​2022-23 Standardized Ventilation Measures Report - August 26, 2022 (Excel Spreadsheet)91̽»¨ Ventilation Optimization Report - August 24, 202191̽»¨ Ventilation Board Profile - September 2021 (Excel Spreadsheet)Ventilation Optimization at 91̽»¨ - September 2021 UpdateSummary of Ventilation Projects​WATER TESTING IN 91̽»¨ SCHOOLSReg 243 Fact Sheet for Parents Safe Drinking Water in Child Care Centres and Schools Chief Drinking Water Inspector Report 2016-17 Water Testing Results 2017Water Testing Results 2018Water Testing Results 2019Water Testing Results 2020Water Testing Results 2021Water Testing Results 2022Water Testing Results 2023Community Information Bulletin: Lead in Water - November 2019Community Information Bulletin Lead in Water - November 2019 UPDATEFAQs: Lead in Drinking WaterG2S Water Testing Summary 20242024 Tapped-In Water Sample Record REPORTS AND INFORMATIONMinistry Reporting of Renewal Projects - November 26 2024COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream (CVRIS) ProjectsEast Credit Transition Planning Committees 2018-2019 School AccommodationCapital Expenditure - Accessibility Improvements 2016-2018School Boundary Maps2013 Long Term Accommodation Plan Capital Priorities and School Consolidation CapitalCommunity PartnershipsFor Builders: 91̽»¨ Sign SpecificationsEducation Development Charges (EDC) ENROLMENT REPORT 2024-2025 91̽»¨ Enrolment Report (October 31, 2024)2023-2024 91̽»¨ Enrolment Report (March 28, 2024)GREEN ENERGY ACTUnder the Ministry of Energy’s Green Energy Act (GEA), Ontario Regulation 397-11, broader public sector organizations such as school boards, are required to report annually on the energy consumption of their sites and prepare an Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan. The use of electricity and natural gas for each building and the Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan can be found in the following documents:2024-2028 Energy Conservation and Demand Management PlanAnnual Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions - September 2022 - August 2023Annual Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions - September 2021 - August 2022Annual Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions - September 2020 - August 20212019-2023 Energy Conservation and Demand Management PlanAnnual Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions - September 2017 - August 2018​​ ​